After my long hiatus from blogging..I am happy to say that I am making a comeback..My next hiatus will start from next week until the week after..The next time you read my blog, I will be blogging from Shanghai..yes..I am traveling again..I think that many people out there perceive that I do not like traveling mainly because I am a nervous flier.I admit..I was before..but now, the new Nancy begs to differ.I love to travel.Just seeing and experiencing other people's culture helps me enjoy traveling so much.Okay, that was just a cover up..I actually love the food and my shopping activities when I travel.You heard me right.S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G. From my traveling experience, it is sad to say that Malaysia is a warehouse for other countries when it comes to shopping and I don't mean that Malaysia is a big place for shopping for fashionable clothes.What I am trying to say here is that when a certain new style of fashion emerges in other countries such as Hong Kong and Taiwan, it takes at least 2 to 3 months for this fad to reach here. And what clothes do we get?All the fashion that has been outdated in other countries. My sources in Hong Kong tells me that they will ship all their unsold goods to Malaysia to be sold.What a load of crap!Why can't we get up-to-date clothes.DAMMIT!This is one of the reasons that I have to do my clothes shopping in other countries.
Another thing that really infuriates me nowadays is that Malaysia doesn't have 4 seasons.Yes,I was really thankful last time that Malaysia had only one season-summer all life long.This means that I don't have to freeze during winter and I don't have to waste extra money to install a heater and everything else. But, when I start thinking about it again, I am missing out loads of cool clothes.I can't wear boots here coz it will be too hot and my feet will be sweating in my boots. That is one hell of an uncomfortable feeling.Also, I am a sucker for overcoats.I go into Zara and I see how many reasonably priced overcoats I love in there. But I can't buy it coz if I start wearing it in Malaysia,I will look like a first class idiot.Who wears an overcoat during summer?Only someone who think that Malaysia isn't hot enough at 34 degrees. Now I really hope that the company I work with will transfer me to other countries.First choice, London.Second choice, U.S.A.Third choice, anywhere in Asia with 4 seasons.
Enough of the complaints,back to some good news.Today will be the last day I am going to HELP for lecture.The last day I am stepping into a HELP lecture room (I hope!). Later it's all exams and graduation. This will probably be my last exam too,if I don't attempt Masters that is.I am on cloud 9.NO MORE EXAMS!!No more feeling of that exam stress.Anyways,I will await all my friends return so that we can party!!!For now, good luck in all your exams and God bless!
morning power Qs
6 months ago