Phew..A pretty hectic week this week.Not because of meetings and appointments with people but with books.yeap..I have been seeing them a lot this week.But yesterday I managed to take a break from studying.Yesterday was my mom's burfday and I asked her what present she wants.She said she doen't want me to buy anything but I must play the guitar and sing 'Tong Hua' guitar playing was okay..usually I flop by pressing the wrong chords or playing the wrong string but it was okay yesterday..The biggest problem was the singing..I shouldn't have arranged the same key as Guang Liang knowing that I can't sing as high as him.I was out of tune at the last part of the song coz I couldn't go that high..embarassing..but at least my mom was happy..i guess that is all that really matters. After that. I went back to studying as usual.Many people say that I study to hard,but I must say I don't think I do.When I was small, I have been already attacked by this disease(I call it a disease because I find it incurable) called short term memory. I can't remember anything for more than a day.That's why when I was young, my mom usually will sit next to me with a cane in her hands and when I couldn't remember what she taught me the previous day,she would cane me.Then I will remember.But as I get older, I can't expect her to sit next to me with a cane anymore. That's why I know that if other people read one time I must read 3 times.That's why I study more than other late to hit the books
morning power Qs
6 months ago