Thursday, May 07, 2009

I Better Live Up to The Expectations

I was scanning through Facebook this morning and I just found out something...the shock of my's the story

When I went back in November, I met my cousin's player, talented...I think his job was something to do with coaching the basketball team..something like nothing special..met him..said hi..bla bla bla..

This morning, my cousin that finally got a facebook account posted her pics, and as I was scanning through the pics, I saw something...Now, I don't know how many of you have watched 斗牛要不要 (Dou niu yao bu yao) starring Mike He and Hebe..but if you have watched..I saw someone in the press con ultimately familiar...guess who plays 木魚 (Mu Yu) in that cousin's bf!I was like WTF?!!I never watched the show, so I didn't know bout this when I met him..I have to confirm this though with my cousin. Even if I met him, I forgot his name already. If the actor is another guy, they must be long lost brothers..

The guy on the most right

I know it's not a big character or anything..but I really must admire my relatives in Taiwan..My eldest cousin (guy) Lee Hom's PA. My 3rd eldest cousin (gal) dating this 木魚...My 4th eldest cousin, dating a hot 21 year old girl who looks even elder than me due to the way she dresses and make youngest of the smartest and prettiest girls in the school..crap..makes me feel like I am nothing here in bf, not the best student, considered kiddie in Taiwan for not putting on makeup and dressing up myself..Sigh..quite a lot to live up to..

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