Thursday, April 03, 2008

JOY TO THE WORLD!!!!My mid term is postponed!!Although I still have to go through it, but it would be so much better if it was not held in the same week when my International Business assignment is due coz IB requires a lot of reading...and I mean A LOT!I sorta almost finished my IB soI got 4 days to edit..change some words so it won't plagiarism and cut some words. I can even start a bit on my marketing assignment now..AHHHH...Loosks like Someone did give me a better week after all.Furthermore, my Law lecturer said that the first assignment marks were pretty good.Even some ppl did fail, it was only a marginal nothing to worry about.I have quite low expectations for myself anyway.

Hopefully more days of this kind to come by..Convo approaching!!17 more days!The countdown begins!!

17 days to Convo......

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